Siena Walk: From the Servites to the Synagogue

A walk in the Tuscan Middle Ages, with an expert guide .... without leaving your house

Info & Booking

We will begin this walk with a view to the Porta Romana before going to the Basilica of Santa Maria dei Servi for a breathtaking view of the skyline of Siena. Making our way through the Contrada di Valdimontone (District of the Ram), we’ll learn about Sienese medieval hospitality and the Knights Templar. We’ll see where Siena once had a drawbridge and then peak into one of the city’s most evocative alleyways before entering into the Contrada della Torre (district of the Tower) where the Synagogue is located. Our tour will finish in the magnificent Piazza del Campo.


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Using Zoom, we’ll walk through Siena together, and you can ask questions during the tour or at the Q&A at the end. You will receive an automatic email with the Zoom meeting access information, and we will send the details again the day before the talk.

The walk will be recorded and be available to you for a week afterwards.

Prices Detail

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Book Now - € 120,00
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